Love your olive oil? So do we! And there are plenty of olive oil brands out there to choose from as well, which make our food yummy and healthy to gobble too. But wait, we are talking about beauty here too, and for that you should think of the extra virgin or the best Greek Olive Oil to use. For a better clarification and for your information only, we would encourage you to check the list of different types of extra virgin olive oils or best Greek Olive Oils for your skin and for consumption as named by the esteemed New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC).
Yes, for the best Greek Olive Oils available, let’s take a bow to the mind blowing and the finest of extra virgin oil bottles coming out from the continent of Greece. The NYIOOC awards showed 21percent of the total 35 extra virgin olive oil brands came from Greece and were posthumously awarded as being the best in the world for 2015. Much more than what the Italians and the Spaniards could afford to provide the world with; hence, thank you Greece for the gift of health, beauty and well-being, all wrapped in one bottle!
The Inside Story Of A Bottle Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
[Also Read: Benefits Of Olive Oil For Health]
With regard to the numerous health benefits as brought about by Greek olive oil, here are a few pointers that would motivate you in making that switch from the normal cooking or beauty oils you use at home, to extra virgin olive oil.
- Mediterranean diets include the use of extra virgin olive oil since time immemorial
- Value for money for sure, extra virgin olive oil is processed to a minimum retaining the nutrients and flavor – no compromises there.
- The oil is plain and light, easy on the stomach and although chemically refined; but the refining process is kept to a minimal
- Darker the bottle the oil is stored in; the better it is for consumption and use.
Without Much Ado, Here Are The Top Most Brands Of Greek Olive Oils Available In The Market Today!
Kaldi Olive Oil
The quintessential taste of olive oil couldn’t have been found better than what it comes when branded through Kaldi. Kaldí olive oil, handpicked and so fine from the Lesvos islands, the oil with its golden tints and hues is a delight to use and consume. With artichokes, hay and grass extracts in it, the peppery taste it gives makes it a delightful oil to use. Available in organic and non-organic forms, Kaldi ensures to keep you looking beautiful inside and out.
Biosphere By Noos Trade
Messenians are to be credited for BioSphere; an organic extra virgin olive oil brand made exclusively from Koroneiki olives. Very herbal by nature and fruity in taste, the oil is safe for consumption and beauty purposes.
source by fashion blogger fashion LADY
Couldn't live without olive oil it's a like a miracle product haha :)
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